Friday, August 17, 2012

You are what you drink


We have all heard that we are what we eat, but what you may not realise is that we are also what we drink.
Let us start with the non-alcoholic drinks - the sodas, the juices, etc. A large popular cola drink from a typical fast food restaurant has 250 calories, while a large fruit juice has 250 calories but a typical 32 oz. shake has (be prepared to sit down) 1125 calories with 27 grams of fat!
Why not drink just water, instead? It's free (almost), it's necessary for life, and it is good for you.

As far as the other drinks are concerned, not all drinks are created equal. A 12 oz. regular beer has 153 calories, while 2 oz. of whisky, vodka, rum or gin have approximately 150 calories. A glass of wine (red or white, 2 oz.) has approximately 60 calories. The real killers are the cocktails though. The average Pina Colada has 525 calories, while the average martini has over 450 calories.
Why not just add a twist of lime to your vodka and enjoy instead?
So the next time you pick up a drink, keep the above in mind. Just remember that you would have to jog for almost 3 hours to burn off one Pina Colada!


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