Friday, December 28, 2012

Happy New Year

Well another year has passed by and doesn't every year seem to go by faster than the one before?
Well it means that it is never too early to start on something new, because before you know it another year will have gone by again.
Why not resolve to improve your health in 2013?

Why not quit smoking, quit or cut back on drinking, eat healthier and exercise more?

'Easy for you to say doc, but it's not so easy to do?' you say, shaking your head.

Well nothing is easy, but we have to keep trying. Life is one big trial, after all, and we don't get a second chance.

Of all the above, quitting smoking and drinking are obviously the hardest. But do not despair. There are many options for quitting and help is available.

Let me first talk about smoking:

First of all think about all the noxious stuff you are inhaling and what it is doing to your respiratory tract and especially the lungs. You know how harmful it is, and how many diseases it causes- from  heart, lung and circulatory diseases to multiple cancers.
Secondly think of all the money you are wasting - with all the Federal and State taxes on tobacco, you are paying a small fortune to puff away your hard-earned dollars.
Thirdly think of all the Corporate Executive-types who are getting rich off your habit.
If all of the above doesn't want to make you quit, then think of your loved ones.
Think of the following every time you light up:
Every cigarette you smoke reduces your life by 11 minutes, every carton by 1 and 1/2 days and every pack smoked daily reduces your life by 2 months per year!
If you want to quit and find it hard, there are many medical and non-medical options which include nicotine replacement (patch, gum, e-cigarette) as well as prescription medications which reduce cravings (bupropion, Chantix, etc.).
Regarding alcohol: you can think of all of the above (though you have to substitute your liver for the respiratory tract) but in addition think of alcohol related driving injuries and death, alcohol related violence and mental problems.
If you are an alcoholic and want to quit, joining a program would be the best option.

As far as eating is concerned - it is much easier to do than the above. Make a resolution to eat better, eat less and eat healthier in 2013. Make an eating plan and follow it! Follow the plan while eating at home and while eating out.

And please start exercising. Do any exercise that suits you, but do something! Even walking in the mall is better than sitting on your couch and watching television.

Well to end on a happier note:


                       HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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