Wednesday, January 9, 2013

4 More reasons to not drink sodas

4 Reasons to Avoid All Soda (Even Diet)
By Reader's Digest Magazine | Healthy Living –  
That innocent-looking can of soda pop-no matter what it's sweetened with-may be 
taking a toll on your immunity.
Here's why:
1. People who drink sodas instead of healthy beverages (think low-fat
milk and pure fruit juice) are less likely to get adequate vitamin A,
calcium, and magnesium. What's more, soda contains phosphoric acid
that depletes calcium and magnesium. These two nutrients help keep
your immunity operating at peak efficiency.
2. Sodas containing high-fructose corn syrup also contain high levels
of free radicals linked to tissue damage, the development of diabetes,
and diabetic complications.
3. Plastic soda (and water) bottles contain a toxic chemical called
bisphenol A (BPA) that can leach from bottles into soda…into you.
Emerging evidence links BPA to a myriad of maladies, including immune
system depression. Public health experts recommend that we protect
children from exposure to products containing BPA-especially those
they consume or use every day.
4. Diet soda actually contributes to weight gain. A study of 1,550
people concluded that people who drink diet soda have a 41 percent
increased risk of being overweight or obese-for every can or bottle
they drink per day! Turns out, any sweet taste signals body cells to
store fat and carbohydrates, which makes you hungrier. Sweet tastes
also promote insulin release, which blocks your body's ability to burn
fat. The hard truth: No published study has ever proven that drinking
diet soda will help you lose weight.

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