Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Diet Sodas & Depression

Is Diet Soda Making You Sad?

New facts on the fizzy stuff

When you’re stuck in an afternoon slump and hours away from wrapping up for the day, sometimes it seems there’s just one solution: the soda machine. With caffeine and a bevy of sweet bubbles, a sip of soda is bound to pick you up, right?

Don’t count on it. New research from the American Academy of Neurology has found that sweetened drinks—especially of the diet variety—are associated with a heightened risk of depression.

Emotional Health


The study began back in 1995, when researchers started tracking 263,925 people between the ages of 50 and 71. For a year, investigators measured participant consumption of beverages like soda, fruit punch, and coffee. A decade later, study enrollees reported on whether or not they had been diagnosed with depression in recent years.

Even after researchers adjusted for a host of factors, including age, sex, race, education, marital status, and physical activity level, the link between sweet stuff and depression remained clear: Those who downed at least four cans of soda per day were 30% more likely to suffer from depression than people abstaining from pop, and people who consumed the equivalent in fruit punch were 38% more likely to develop depression.

Here’s the worst news for those who prefer calorie-free drinks: Those who consumed diet soda and diet fruit punch had an even greater risk of depression than those who drank sugar-sweetened drinks. “Our findings are preliminary, and the underlying biological mechanisms are not known,” explains study author Honglei Chen, MD, PhD, a tenure-track investigator in the epidemiology branch at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). “[But] they are intriguing and consistent with a small but growing body of evidence suggesting that artificially sweetened beverages may be associated with poor health outcomes.”

This isn’t the first time that science has taken the fizz out of diet soda. Studies have linked the drink to kidney problems, weight gain, and even cell damage. Next time you need a pick-me-up? Consider one of these healthier alternatives for a refreshing boost:

Coffee. The soda-shaming study wasn’t all bad news. Coffee drinkers who enjoyed four cups per day were about 10% less likely to develop depression than their java-free peers. That’s no surprise, since coffee is rich in antioxidants and might even protect against diabetes.

Green tea. It delivers the caffeine kick you crave, plus a lot more. In addition to fighting cancer and lowering blood pressure, green tea is a natural brain booster: It contains an amino acid called theanine, which enhances mental performance, according Keri Glassman, RD.

Super smoothie. Whip one up at night, and save it to enjoy at work tomorrow. Fruits and veggies are natural mood lifters, but so is chocolate—toss in a dark variety for a healthy helping of caffeine.

Published January 2013, Prevention

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