Tuesday, March 26, 2013



Dr. Sarkar MD

We are often too busy to take care of ourselves. Well here are a few tips on losing weight and becoming healthier for busy people:

1.   Mark a 1-mile circle around your home. Make a resolution to only walk or bike and not drive within that area. You will discover new stores, hair salons, coffee shops, etc. which will enrich your life and help the local economy. Later extend the circle to 2 miles. Remember it takes between 15-20 minutes to walk a mile!

2.   Always take the stairs, not the elevator. If you cannot climb stairs, at least take them on the way down.

3.   Walk during your lunch break, even if it is to a restaurant. If you bring your own food, walk to a park nearby to enjoy your lunch.

4.   Window shop at the mall. Save money by taking only a small amount of cash (and no credit or debit cards) to the mall and walk around for hours.

5.   Always park faraway – so you get to walk more.

6.   Drink more water (up to 8 glasses (8 oz.) or more per day). Keep a bottle of water in your car, at work and while watching TV.

7.   Avoid sodas, even diet sodas.

8.   Choose healthy snacks – pretzels, low-fat yogurt, fresh fruit, carrots, etc.

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